Monday, March 5, 2012

Matthew 9:27-34 Jesus Heals Two Blind Men and a Man Unable to Speak

Two blind men cry out for mercy while following Jesus. They believe he is the Son of David, not just a descendant of David, but the Messiah. The blind men persisted in their following and plea until Jesus probes their faith. He finds that they trust he is able to heal them and he does. Interestingly, Jesus sternly warns them not to tell anyone. While Jesus was interested in keeping his miracles a little more secretive, it was impossible for the blind men to hide it and his fame continued to spread. Also, a demon-oppressed man was brought to Jesus. He was mute, but when Jesus cast out the demon, he was free to speak. It is interesting to see the contrast in reaction among the people. While the crowds marveled, the Pharisees attributed Jesus’ exorcism to the power of the devil.

I’m struggling on how to think about the action of the blind men. They followed. They believed. They were healed. But they could not contain what they experienced despite Jesus’ stern warning. Is this to be considered a disobedience? Or is it the way of Matthew communicating that a grateful soul cannot contain the good news? I’m inclined towards the latter since this scenario is repeated several times throughout Matthew. Especially, when I consider the contrast with the Pharisees’ action of defaming Jesus. To follow Jesus is to spread his fame wherever we go for what he has done in our lives.

Lord, fill my heart with gratitude for all the good things you have done for me. May I, like the blind men, spread your fame wherever I go.

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