Monday, March 26, 2012

Matthew 16:13-20 Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ

The foundation of the church is the doctrinal declaration that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. The foundation of the church is a person - Jesus Christ. And to be part of that church is essential that we believe the truth about Jesus. He is the Christ, the Messiah, the fulfillment of the OT prophecies. He is the Son of the living God. He is God in the flesh. He was born of a virgin. He is sinless in nature.

The church is the “called out ones,” the blessed ones who understand and embrace this truth. That’s the foundational rock of the church. The church is people empowered to profess and proclaim that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.

Jesus has committed to build his church upon this truth and upon his person. It is Christ who builds and not us. We are instruments in his hands to perform his task and accomplish his purposes.

and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

The gates of a city were the means to keep it safe against attacks. It is especially interesting that the picture painted here is that of the church prevailing against the darkness, against death, against sin, against bondage, against evil. How do we know the church is the church? When it prevails against evil.

The truth that I want to emphasize here is the fact that the Church is the agent of the kingdom of God. It is the one who has been appointed to advance the kingdom upon the earth. He promises to give the keys of the kingdom so they can accomplish the task for which they were called.

What are these keys of the kingdom? A key is a symbol of authority. Authority is to have permission and power to do something. The best picture to have is that of a steward who has been given the keys of his master’s property. A key grants the steward permission to the property as well as the power (ability) to enter the property. In the case of the kingdom of God, the keys represent at least two different things:
  1. Doctrine - the truth of the Gospel - Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God
  2. Discipline - curbing sin in the church by keeping our brethren accountable
Kingdom Key#1 - Doctrine (Mat.16)
It is essential that each and every believer understands the truth of the Gospel - that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. It is imperative that we are able to articulate that truth, engage people in conversation with it, and defend it when necessary. The world in which we live has become so relativistic that there is no place for absolute truth. Yet the Gospel is absolute. Christ claims exclusivity in salvation. The Bible is authoritative for faith and life. If we can’t articulate the truth, we are incapable of opening doors for ourselves to grow and incapable of opening doors for others to escape bondage and sin to become part of God’s kingdom.

The real power of the church is in its legislative authority that Christ has given it. Over every conflict upon this earth, the church has the power and the responsibility to rule to help bring people into conformance to God’s Word under the rule of God’s kingdom.

Kingdom Key#2 - Discipline (Mat.18)
The advancement of God’s kingdom depends on our willingness to use the authority God has given us to keep each other accountable. Church discipline is not a matter of judging anyone to a final condemnation. Church discipline is a judgment unto restoration in the kingdom. Only God can exercise final judgment upon any given person. Our reluctance to get involved in the sin of others is pathetic and renders the church ineffective in the world. We need to get involved!

The proper application of discipline is as follows:
  1. call the brother alone
  2. call the brother with witnesses
  3. call the brother before the church (church leaders)

Why don’t we have the courage to call out our brother by ourselves first? Why do we hesitate to follow up with witnesses when we see no change? Why do we hesitate to bring the issue before the authorities when all the above has been done? Our way is to avoid the person, talk about him behind his back, and hold unforgiveness for as long as possible that develops into resentment and bitterness.

Notice that the keys are meant to bring harmony between the heavens and the earth. Sin came into the world and established a rift, a wall, a separation between God and humanity. When we use the keys we work towards the establishment of the original harmony God intended between the heavens and the earth. That’s why we pray your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

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