Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mattew 12:15-21 God's Chosen Servant

Jesus is God’s chosen servant that Isaiah prophesied about (Is.42). The identity of this servant is at times the nation of Israel and at other times the Messiah sent to them. Many see the dual allusion as God’s way of stating his unfulfilled purposes with Israel as a nation requiring the Messiah as the ultimate Israel for its accomplishment. This chosen servant is described as the beloved of God as in Jesus’ baptism (Mat.3:13-17). He is the one upon whom the Spirit of God rests (Luke 4:18) to proclaim justice to the whole world, not just the Jew. This servant will not fight or use violence to get his way. On the contrary, he will suffer violence. People will not pay attention to him. But he will pay attention to the abused and be compassionate towards them. His ultimate purpose is to establish God’s justice upon the earth for all people. He is our only hope.

Jesus is the only hope of humanity to fulfill God’s purposes and plans. The one who was denied justice came to establish God’s justice upon the earth. The one who suffered violence came to establish peace on earth. The one who was bruised until disfigured came to bring healing for our lives. There is within me a sense of justice that wants to right wrongs right away. But the kingdom of God calls me to trust in God’s timing and leave ultimate justice to be executed by his hand. There is no amount of fury and anger that can make things better. And taking justice in my own hands is not going to improve upon things. God does not want any vigilantes in his kingdom! Jesus is our only hope.

In Jesus we have example. This side of heaven, we must not think that violence will establish God’s kingdom any faster. We must be peacemakers and proclaim justice with humility. While the world may not pay attention to us, we must pay attention to the abused and neglected as we are moved by compassion. The call for compassion is not limited to people who look like us, but the whole world. Let’s embrace all people. Let us be reminded that as we labor, we await the full establishment of God’s kingdom upon the earth. There is no one who can do that but our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is our hope!

Father, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Grant me patience to see your justice fully established upon the earth. While I wait, teach me to forgive and live in peace in the midst of a violent world filled with injustice.

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