Monday, April 2, 2012

Matthew 21:1-11 The Triumphal Entry

This passage is about being at the right time at the right place and missing God. The traditional title of the passage as the triumphal entry is a misnomer for three reasons:
1.     Jesus has not triumphed yet
2.     Jesus' followers and friends were sick, poor, and rejected - hardly a victory in the eyes of Rome.
3.     Jesus wept over Jerusalem (Luke 19) - and it was not tears of joy….
The Scripture tells us that as Jesus approached the city - he wept over it (Luke 19:41)
Why was Jesus crying? Because Jerusalem was not able to recognize God in their midst. They missed God! Listen to Jesus' words "…because you did not recognize the time of God's coming to you." (Luke 19:44)

This is not a triumphal entry, but a very sad event. The people of Jerusalem missed their time with God. How did they miss God? Everything hinges around the person of Jesus.

If we don't understand Jesus, we will not understand God.
If we don't come to Jesus, we will not be able to come to God.
If we don't submit to Jesus, we will not be a part of the kingdom of God.

Jesus said about himself (Jn.14:6): I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

People miss God because they don’t understand who Jesus is.
People miss God because they don’t understand that:
I.              Jesus is Lord
A.   Jesus referred to himself as Lord (v.3)
Lordship combines two elements: power (might) and authority (right) to own
The owner or legal guardian - the implication of what is legitimate

Jesus is the legitimate owner of our lives.
Jesus has legitimate power and authority over our lives.

What makes God's ownership of our lives legitimate?

John tells us about Jesus: (1:2-3)
"He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made."

Jesus owns us because he created us.
God created all things through his Word. Jesus is the word of God. Without the word there would be no creation to speak of.

B.    Demonstrated by his omniscience in the colt event (miracle) (Mat.21:2ff; Luke19:30ff)

Mt.21:10-11 Who is this?
                        The crowds answered, "This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth…"
The people insisted in Jesus' role as a prophet, but had difficulties with him being the Word of God. Jesus is not just the bearer of God's words, He Is God's Word!!!!

Our salvation hinges upon our embrace of this truth.
Rom.10:9 "That it you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord… you will be saved."

In Peter's sermon on Pentecost:
Acts2:36 " Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ."

Jesus is the rightful owner of all things because he transcends all things. All things depend on him for their existence…
The argument in the book of Hebrews about Jesus can be summarized like this:
            Jesus is greater than the prophets,            Jesus is greater than the angels            
Jesus is greater than Moses                        Jesus is greater than Aaron
            Jesus is the high priest and sacrifice in one, who offered himself once for all to
buy us back from Satan's hands.

Jesus right to us is double.. He created us and he redeemed us!!!!

II.            Jesus is King (v.5)
Kingship is the exercise of power (might) and authority (right).
It is to legitimately rule over that which is owned.
            Implies kingdom - dominion and a people
                                                (world and humanity)

Jesus is the legitimate ruler of all people.
Jesus has legitimate power and authority to rule over our lives.
                        To rule means that he has the authority to establish laws by which his
people will live and the power to ensure that such laws are obeyed.

A.   The Scriptures attest to his Kingship as the fulfillment of prophecy (Zech.9:9) [According to Mt.21:5]
1.     riding on a colt
2.     people laid their garments/palm branches on the ground
3.     loud praises "blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord"
Jesus accepted this praise as proper. If they did not do it, the stones would. (Luke 19:39-40)
B.    The people did not understand his kingship as the ruler of the world and their lives, but a political position…

C.   This King is:
1.     Righteous - will do what is right
2.     Gentle - brings salvation and peace
Though Jesus has the power to subdue us, He will always do what is right.
Though he has the right to condemn us, He comes to offer peace through his own life.

III.         Jesus is on kingdom timing
A.   The Lord of lords and King of kings came to die
Jesus did not come as a prophet or politician. He came as a Savior. Here and now we are to wait for his return and share in his sufferings. The world will hate us, and many trials and temptations will surround us, but in Jesus we have the victory over them all including death!

B. He will return to judge. This time he will not ride a donkey, but a horse.
            Read the context Luke 19:11-27.

We miss God because we don't accept
            Jesus as Lord - right and might to own
            Jesus as King - right and might to rule - establish laws and judge
            Jesus' kingdom timing - we share in his sufferings (enduring patiently) until
He returns to judge
            Let’s not miss God now or in his second coming!

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